The Guide for Peak Performance: The Inner Game of Tennis

Described by the great Billie Jean King as her ” Tennis Bible”, W. Timothy Gallwey’s best-seller, had been a phenomenon for players of all abilities since it was first published in 1972. Instead of focusing on how to improve your technique, it starts from the understanding that ‘ every game is composed of two parts, an outer game, and an inner game’. The former is played against opponents on the court, but the latter is a battle within ourselves as we try and overcome our self-doubt and anxiety. It is often won or lost before a ball has been hit. Gallwey’s revolutionary approach will teach us how to improve our concentration, work on our gamesmanship and help break our bad habits. Whether you are a tennis pro or someone like me, who just watch and read about tennis, but seldom touched a tennis racquet, the techniques and methods mentioned in this book will be helpful not just on the tennis court but also in life as well. Read this book to get over self-criticism and anxiety and learn to live and enjoy the present.